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Assalamualaikum, hey-llo and bonjour mes amies! Welcome to my blog! It's my rules and one of them is you can't use harsh words at all. You also can't use mocking words. But then, it's time for you to read my blog, study my life and learn all about me. My lovely life!
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Wednesday 3 August 2011


Assalamualaikum. Who likes to fight with his or her friends? Nobody likes it. But because of one wrong step, I went off arguing with Farah. I can lose my temper easily now and I don't seem to be able to control my anger. Farah has a liking of persuading my other friends to leave me when she argues with me. It's not actually my whole fault. On Tuesday on recess time, the prefects went to Pusat Akses and opened Facebook there when they are supposed to go on their duties. So I ask Mr Hakimi to go to Pusat Akses and tell Farah that if she and her friends don't get out of the Pusat Akses in 5 minutes, I'll write their names and hand it to Puan Manimehala. As fast as lightning, they went out to do their duty. But they are very mad at me for writing their names. And Farah pulled Misha, Anisah and Nisa in her game too. Then, when it was co-curriculum time just now, Farah pulled Nisa to sit at the back of 5 Orchid with her and left me to sit alone in front. And I'm awfully sick of her attitude. I'm not going to apologise to her because that will make me look like I lose and she wins. For me, better have no friends than have plastic friends who will go for me when I'm way up above but leaves me when I'm below, they go for another person. Maybe I am sad because my most beloved friend has become my most hated enemy. I don't want to pull my friends in this issue as I don't want them to get into trouble. And now, Misha and Nisa is not following Farah truly at all. Secretly, they will talk to me and joke around with me everytime Farah is not around. But the friend which I loved the most now is Salina. She understoods what I feel and I don't regret leaving Farah at all. And I'm to make sure I defeat Farah and achieve number 1 again. Need to go, assalamualaikum!