a life is hard to be in. My life's not that hard, 'cause I'm not handicapped or what, alhamdulillah. But in school life, it's dizzy. Farah, Misha and Nisa eventually got into a fight. It drags me along as I don't know which side I should be on. The story's like this(don't be mad, Misha & Farah!): Nisa told Ali's brother that Misha's in love with Ali. And she also said that Misha's gonna be a skinny model. Anisah and I were there when she said that to Firdaus(that Ali's brother). So, Anisah said to Misha all about it, and actually I said a bit of it too. But I admitted through, and Misha and Farah apologized me. But Nisa never did admit, so the next day(the day after 19th April), she was absent from school. We did said a bit about it, and Misha and I make up with her. But yesterday, there's something wrong back again. I dunno what's wrong, but she's becoming breezier. And she accused us by saying we're talking behind about her behind her back. But then, Farah began to despised her. But I pitied Nisa then. I know how it felt to be despised by 'the' Farah. Have I never tell you about my breakup with Farah? It happened like 3 or 4 weeks ago, which started with a small fight. Ah, forget it. Now, I pitied her because I had felt it before, being despised by Farah. And I don't know what to think now. The end. Now do you understand me? If you do, thank you. Nisa posted on my Facebook wall using BuddyPoke saying 'i mss my frend'. I dunno what to say. I'm missing our foursome-Farah, Nisa, Misha and me- so much. I miss them all. Siding Nisa meant I'm losing Farah and also Misha. Siding Misha and Farah meant I'm losing Nisa. Allah, help me! I beg you.
Love and au revoir,
Anis Sufea Ismail